Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Food for Thought..Are YOU Jesus?

Excuse me, Are you Jesus?

A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales convention in Chicago . They had assured their wives that they would be home in plenty of time for Friday night's dinner. In their rush, with tickets and briefcases, one of these salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of apples. Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the plane in time for their nearly missed boarding. ALL BUT ONE !!! He paused, took a deep breath, and experienced a twinge of compassion for the girl whose apple stand had been overturned.

He told his buddies to go on without him, waved good-bye, told one of them to call his wife when they arrived at their home destination and explain his taking a later flight. Then he returned to the terminal where the apples were all over the terminal floor.

He was glad he did.

The 16 year old girl was totally blind! She was softly crying, tears running down her cheeks in frustration, and at the same time helplessly groping for her spilled produce as the crowd swirled about her, no one stopping and no one to care for her plight.

The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the apples, put them back on the table and helped organize her display. As he did this, he noticed that many of them had become battered and bruised; these he set aside in another basket.

When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet and said to the girl, 'Here, please take this $40 for the damage we did. Are you okay?' She nodded through her tears. He continued on with, 'I hope we didn't spoil your day too badly.'

As the salesman started to walk away, the bewildered blind girl called out to him, 'Mister....' He paused and turned to look back into those blind eyes. She continued, 'Are you Jesus?' He stopped in mid-stride, and he wondered. Then slowly he made his way to catch the later flight with that question burning and bouncing about in his soul: 'Are you Jesus?' Do people mistake you for Jesus?

That's our Destiny, is it not? To be so much like Jesus that people cannot tell the difference as we live and interact with a world that is blind to His love, life and grace.

If we claim to know Him, we should live, walk and act as He would.

KNOWING HIM IS MORE THAN SIMPLY QUOTING SCRIPTURE AND GOING TO CHURCH. It's actually living the Word as life unfolds day to day.

You are the apple of His eye even though we, too, have been bruised by a fall. He stopped what He was doing and picked you and me up on a hill called Calvary and paid in full for our damaged fruit.

Please share this..... Sometimes we just take things for granted, when we really need to be sharing what we know...Thanks



Thursday, April 8, 2010

Calleigh's 2nd Birthday!

Here is a photo collage from Calleigh's 2nd Birthday party!

I can't believe that my girl is 2 already! Yikes! I am so thankful for the wonderful little girl that God has blessed me with!

Do you know the books of the Bible?

Here is a little test for you. Our precher sent this out in our newsletter and I had a good time with my co-workers finding all of the books....it's a lot of fun, Good luck! Here is the paragraph:

Can you find the names of 25 books of the Bible in this paragraph? This is a most remarkable puzzle. Someone found it in the seat pocket on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping himself occupied for hours. One man from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his johnboat. Roy Clark studied it while playing his banjo. Elaine Victs mentioned it in her column once. One woman judges the job to be so involving, she brews a cup of tea to her calm her nerves. There will be some names that are really easy to spot…that’s a fact. Some people will soon find themselves in a jam, especially since the book names are not necessarily capitalized. The truth is, from answers we get, we are forced to admit it usually takes a minister or scholar to see some of them at the worst. Something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have. Those able to find all of them will hear great lamentations from those who have to be shown. One revelation may help; books like Timothy and Samuel may occur without their numbers. And punctuation or spaces in the middle are normal. A chipper attitude will help you compete. Remember, there are 25 books of the Bible lurking somewhere in this paragraph.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a great Easter with Calleigh. She really got into hunting eggs this year! We hunted eggs at Papaw Jon and Gram Gram's church last weekend and then our church, Nana and Paw's house, Great Grandpa Dennis' house, and Aunt Beth and Uncle Earl's house that evening.......yes, that is 5 Easter eggs hunts. She also got 4 easter baskets: 1 from the Easter Bunny at our house, then one each from each set of grandparents. Can we say a little spoiled? It was so fun and we can't wait until next Easter!

We hope that you had a Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Calleigh is 2!

Calleigh is two today and I can't believe it! Where in the world has the time gone? Here is a preview of where we have been in the last two years:

April 1, 2008
9:26 PM

April 1, 2009

She is such a blessing in our lives and I am so thankful each and every day that she is just what we always wanted and that God has blessed out lives so much! I can't wait to eat lunch with her and spend the day running around in the yard with her celebrating her special day!

Calleigh Elizabeth, you may not be able to read this now but when you do I want you to know just how much I love and cherish you. You are the biggest blessing that I have ever been given and I am so thankful for the wonderful little girl that you are! When I dreamed of my child you are exactly what I always wanted, plus so much more! I can't wait for all of the times that are ahead! Thank you for being the light of my life and making my dreams of being a mommy come true! I love you baby girl!

Tomorrow I plan to post more pictures of our day together and then more pictures from her party which is this weekend!