Monday, October 11, 2010

Pregnancy News

So, here is the scoop on our very welcomed surprise!

We have wanted and have been trying to have a baby for about 10 months. I finally decided that when God was ready he would give us a baby. Was I disappointed......of course. But I know that in God's perfect time he would give us another child, whether it was naturally or through adoption. Andrew and I had a talk on the Friday before and we decided that maybe God was holding out for several different reasons. Then on Sunday I had a talk with my mom and she reassured me that it was ok if we were only able to have one baby. And I was ok with that. I had accepted that. I have a WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL little girl who has already blessed my life in so many ways. I had let Go.

Then on Sunday night I was trying to figure out when things should start happening. And I was over.....way over my days. On my way to work on Monday I decided to stop and buy a test. I took that test in the very same stall I took the test with Calleigh. And I could not believe what was right in front of me. I called Andrew right away and he was in total shock also. We decided to wait a week so that we could tell our close family and friends. We told everyone that week and that weekend we had a big scare.

****This part is a little graphic so don't read the next paragraph is you have a weak stomach***

I woke up on Sunday morning around 4 to use the bathroom and when I did so there was blood. Not gushing or anything just like that, just evidence of it. Andrew got up, took me to the ER. They took some blood and did a pelvic exam. The doctor we had seemed to think everything was going to be alright. He said if I was having a miscarriage there would be more blood and when he did my exam he said there was something that would be open and when he checked it was closed. I was not having any cramping, which is a good thing. They said they think it was just something that happen and not to be too worried. My doctor was contacted by the ER doctor and said for me to do more blood work today so I went Tuesday morning and had them done.They schedueled appointment for last Thursday for an ultrasound and Dr. Beckman said we would go over my blood results then. If things go as planned, my blood work should show an increase in numbers and the ultrasound should show our sweet little baby. I know that no matter what happens things will be ok and I do feel like things are fine. I have not had any more bleeding since that morning and I have not had any cramps. The ER doc also told us that 50% of women have random bleeding during pregnancy.

I went to church that morning when we got home, and somehow God knew just what I needed. I was listening to the sermon and started thumbing through my Bible and stopped here:

2 Kings 4:26

“Are you all right? Is your husband all right? Is your child all right?”

“Everything is all right,” she said.

It’s nice to know that I have God on my side. And I do feel like it’s all going to be all right.

I got a call on Tuesday evening that my blood work had come in and my numbers went up, they actually almost doubled! I went to the doctor on Thursday and we got to see our sweet little baby. Things are fine. I am still not completely out of the woods, but things are looking so much better. Dr. Beckman told me that when something like this happens 95% of people go on to have healthy babies.

I have an appointment this Thursday again, so please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I know that God has big plans and he is walking with me thorough this whole journey.

As of right now:

Baby stats:

I will add pictures next week. I am feeling super blessed right now. It's still hard to believe.

1 comment:


YAY!!! I had a feeling I'd be seeing this post soon! Congratulations Andrew, Candace, and Calleigh!!!