Wednesday, December 10, 2008

17 days of freedom for my sister-in-law!

My sister-in-law is getting married in 17 days. Only 17 days of freedom before she is Mrs. Jonathan Gore! I am getting my dress fitted tonight with Andrew and we are picking up the Christmas cards I ordered. Andrew's Aunt Beth is watching Calleigh for the night and then his grandparents are keeping her for the day tomorrow! I am looking forward to spending some time with Andrew tonight, just the two of us! Below is a pic of the dress.....

I doubt that when I put it on it will look that good, but oh well! I lost 1 pound today at the Biggest Loser weigh in! I have been losing weight, it is just taking some time. I have lost 13 pounds since the beginning, which was 6 weeks ago. I hope that over break I can exercise a little and lose a little bit more before the wedding!

I have been checking the place where I signed up to have my blog made over and my name is 2nd on the list! It is getting closer. I do have Christmas break from December 19-January 5, so maybe when I come back I will have a new look for the new year!

I have gotten a lot of work done today, getting things accomplished always makes me feel better, not like my day has been a waste!

Well, I do have some more things to get done today, so I need to get back to work! I'll post pics of me in the dress tomorrow and you can decide if I measure up to the model(haha!)

Love to all,

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