First let me start off by saying 4 words: Best. Season. Finale. EVER! And I mean EVER! It was great. I had the chance to watch it before we left for North Carolina. And it was worth every minute of watching it! So, now that we have seen this ending, what do you think will happen next season? Will they live or will they die? And did you see that coming, because I was totally blown away!
So, we left for North Carolina at midnight on Friday morning(or Thursday night) and our trip was not bad at all. We rode down with Andrew's mom and step dad. Calleigh slept for most of the trip, so she was ready to go when we got there. We arrived, checked into the hotel, and then took showers and naps. Andrew was an usher in the wedding, so after we took our showers and got ready to go. After the rehearsal we had dinner and came back to the hotel. We then went to see Levi and Ryan's new house, which they are building. It is very nice and almost done. We came back, visited with family and played some cards, and got ready for the wedding. The wedding was at the gardens at Grey Gables. It was out doors and was nice. The weather was not bad either. We had a long trip home and we were all very tired, so I took yesterday off. I got the house cleaned, the laundry done, the yard mowed and still had time to watch the Dancing with the Stars Finals, Part 1 and The new Bachelorette. I LOVED Jillian and wanted her to win the last season of the Bachelor, but at least now she is the New Bachelorette and I am excited to watch her season!

Who is you favorite guys? Here is a list of mine:
1. Jake-MY FAVORITE!!!!!

2. Kiptyn

3. Sasha

4. Ed

5. Wes

6. Mathue

7. Mike

8. Juan

Those are basically the only ones I really like. I hope that Jake stays for a long time, I really like him. But, we will see how he progresses and how he acts! Sometimes they can be very deceiving on the first few shows and then their true colors come out!
Today, I am back at work. We have a busy week ahead. Tonight, Andrew has a softball game. Tomorrow night Andrew has to work at a baseball game. Thursday Andrew has another Softball game. On Friday, Andrew's cousin Zeth graduates and we will be there. On Saturday, we will be going to WC as Andrew's students graduates and then we have some parties to attend. On Sunday we will be going to some more parties. So, no rest for us. But, we start another week, and maybe that week we will have some time to rest!

we have a super busy week this week too! i really don't like jam packed schedules like this so i'm hoping it slows down some!
i didn't get to watch the bachelorette last night- i forgot all about it!
Chelsa-If you want to watch it go to abc.go.com and free episodes. It should be there!
I hate jam packed weeks too, but in June it should slow down! Hope things are good for you!
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